Varaždin County Tourism

Visitor Center of the County Palace Varaždin

A Visitor Center has been established in the basement of the County Palace, where the cultural and historical heritage of the lesser-known rural parts of Varaždin County will be presented using modern technology.

As part of the project, we installed high-tech equipment consisting of multimedia presentation equipment, such as laser projectors, computers and audio system, 3D artistic sculptural objects. The first hereditary prefect of Varaždin, Tomo II, will greet and welcome the visitors. Erdödy in person, of course through a hologram projection.


The 250-year-old palace of Varaždin County is one of the oldest and most beautiful buildings in the center of Varaždin. Repurposing part of the basement of the County Palace into a visitor center where cultural, historical and natural heritage will be presented in a virtual way.


On an area of almost 400 square meters, works in the palace were carried out under the archaeological and conservation supervision of the Varaždin City Museum and the Conservation Department in Varaždin.

Our approach

Based on the approved concept, it is necessary to define the detailed appearance and functionality of the multimedia system, specify the necessary equipment, applications and specify the content formats. All visual content was created and the user interface was designed, which was later trained through Pandopad Manager.


A wide range of multimedia equipment was delivered, such as PandoPad® WALL interactive screen, 3D mapping of sculptural works, interactive Photo Point and video production. In order to connect the space, we decided to incorporate several artistic branches such as graffiti and sculpture.